
Life on the go ❤️

A little bit of you

A little bit of me

A little bit of us in all you see

  • The Alpha and The Omega

    Who is your favorite historical figure? The One who is, who was and who is to come Dispelled all the dark, gave light to the Sun The beginning and The end God’s only One to the world was send. The world is spun around His feet what happened in Bethlehem is to repeat guard your… Read more

  • Love waits

    She moved close and curled up again in his strong arms where a haven she did gain looking through the window they dreamt a life of togetherness is what they meant. She said- “tossed and toiled gross chords embroiled at the stars I gaze life is, but, a maze” Enamoured with her lilt and wit… Read more

  • A Pilgrim

    What countries do you want to visit? How should I start for I’ve received a pilgrims heart crossing borders and seas all I have to share is peace I will visit all places where I find His divine traces for without His will my slumber won’t break to a new dawn and life to celebrate.… Read more

  • Wait and waittill you fetch the baitand you build more hateWait and wait,You’ll soon plead at His gatecursing your fate;that wait will make you so desperate,reminding those hearts you so well did manipulate;no breath of yours would then compensate,you’re ill-doings served in a gilded plate;choking till you reach that state,you’ll then know what you did… Read more


    How do you want to retire? The Dictionary meaning of the word Retire is to- “leave one’s job and cease to work, typically on reaching the normal age for leaving service.” Every human who works and contributes to the resourceful labour of this world would surely have certain dreams of how they would like to retire and… Read more

  • Old is more than Gold

    What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? I was eight couldn’t even think straight Dressed in white on a sunlit day Holy was a communion in a church far away For months I did passionately prepare and soaked my little heart in prayer New life I received in the bread Freshened… Read more

  • I wait no more

    I wait no more for love to happen or kindness to envelope me for life to mesmerise me and, keep me nimble or give me times of glee. I wait no more for a text or a call for those ‘good mornings’ or ‘how are you?’ telling me that someone’s waiting to eagerly hear form… Read more

  • The Light

    What notable things happened today? An Angel shone past midnight startled I woke up to the light The statue too old and the batteries were cold What word has it brought? now I rest on my pillow with this thought. The glint of it has made my day Just notable in every way. (Picture clicked… Read more


    A smart, sorted man met a messed up, naive woman. They fell in love with each other… but.. He : She deserves someone better than me.She : He doesn’t deserve someone like me. (Silence is golden, not always. Rejections are hurtful, not always- for those who’ve seen and felt the beauty of love without anything… Read more

  • The season of love

    What is your favorite season of year? Why? It’s the season of love spreading its charm like the Sakura in Japan while we swing our way through the purply cherry blossom; Your countenance soaked in that tint the air as though scheming and casting a spell I look at you and you take my breath… Read more

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